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Template Documentation for {{Mbox}}


The {{Mbox}} template is a versatile template used to display message boxes that adapt based on the namespace. It helps standardize the appearance of notices, warnings, and other informational messages across different namespaces.


Basic Syntax

| type       = <!-- Type of message (e.g., notice, warning, error) -->
| image      = <!-- Image filename (optional) -->
| imageright = <!-- Right-aligned image filename (optional) -->
| class      = <!-- Additional CSS classes (optional) -->
| style      = <!-- Custom inline CSS styles (optional) -->
| textstyle  = <!-- Custom inline CSS styles for text (optional) -->
| text       = <!-- Main message content -->
| small      = <!-- Display a smaller version (yes/no) -->
| smallimage = <!-- Small version image filename (optional) -->
| smallimageright = <!-- Right-aligned small version image filename (optional) -->
| smalltext  = <!-- Small version message content (optional) -->
| subst      = <!-- Substitution support (optional) -->
| date       = <!-- Date (optional) -->
| name       = <!-- Name (optional) -->


  • type: Specifies the type of message box. Common types include notice, warning, error, etc.
  • image: The filename of the image to be displayed on the left side of the message box. Optional.
  • imageright: The filename of the image to be displayed on the right side of the message box. Optional.
  • class: Additional CSS classes to apply to the message box. Optional.
  • style: Custom inline CSS styles for the message box. Optional.
  • textstyle: Custom inline CSS styles for the text within the message box. Optional.
  • text: The main content or message to be displayed in the message box. Required.
  • small: Specifies if a smaller version of the message box should be displayed. Accepts yes or no. Optional.
  • smallimage: The filename of the image to be used in the small version of the message box. Optional.
  • smallimageright: The filename of the right-aligned image for the small version. Optional.
  • smalltext: The message content for the small version. Optional.
  • subst: Indicates if the template should be substituted. Optional.
  • date: The date to be displayed in the message box. Optional.
  • name: A name for the message box, potentially for tracking or identification. Optional.


Basic Notice
| type = notice
| text = This is a notice message.
Warning with Image
| type  = warning
| image = Warning_icon.png
| text  = This is a warning message.
Custom Styled Message
| type      = notice
| class     = custom-class
| style     = background-color: #eef; border: 1px solid #99f;
| textstyle = color: #00f;
| text      = This is a custom-styled notice message.

See Also

  • {{Ambox}}: Article message boxes
  • {{Tmbox}}: Talk page message boxes
  • {{Imbox}}: File (image) message boxes
  • {{Cmbox}}: Category message boxes
  • {{Ombox}}: Other namespace message boxes


Ensure that the template documentation remains up-to-date with any changes made to the main template. Add categories and interwiki links to this documentation page as needed.