Chapter |
I |
The Three-Cornered Nature of the Problem
A. Historical Preview
B. Western Interest and the Near East
C. Zionism and Western Goals
II |
Aperçu of Jewish History in the Christian West Prior to the Emancipation
The Emancipation and Its Aftermath
A. Revelation vs. Reason
B. The Enlightenment
C. Emancipation, at Last!
D. Assimilation and Reform
IV |
The Romantic Relapse of Europe
A. Russian Pogroms
B. European Persecution
1. The Ideational Groundwork
2. Socio-Political Repulsion
V |
Zionism: The European Jew’s Counsel of Despair
A. Between the Two Horns of a Terrible Dilemma
B. Zionism: Attempted Escape from the Dilemma
C. Europe’s Failure of Nerve
VI |
Zionism as Religion
A. The Romantic Base of All Zionists
B. Secular Zionism
C. Zionism: A Strictly European Experience
Zionism as Politics
A. Before World War I
B. The Balfour Declaration
C. The British Mandate on Palestine
D. Zionist Acquisition of the Land
E. Zionist Immigration to Palestine
F. Civil Inabilities of the Palestinians
G. The Palestinians’ Continuous Rebellion
H. United Nations Partition of Palestine
I. Emptying Palestine Through Terror
J. Zionism and Colonialism
Islam and Judaism
A. Three Levels of Parity and Communion
B. One Mesopotamian Origin
C. Islamic Critique of Judaism
D. Islamic Critique of Jewish Practice
1. The Covenant of Madinah or Constitution of the Islamic State
2. Pax Islamica: The New World Order
3. Political Treason by the Jews of Madinah
E. The Golden Age of Judaism and the Jews
IX |
Islam and Zionism
A. The Injustice of Zionism Against Non-Jews
B. Undoing the Injustice Against Non-Jews
C. De-Zionization
D. The Injustice of Zionism Against Judaism
E. Undoing the Injustice Against Judaism
F. Islam and the Jewish Problem: The Negative Aspect
1. Failure of Zionism to Provide Security
2. Failure of Zionism to Stop Assimilation
3. Failure of Zionism to Enable Judaism to Blossom Forth
G. Islam and the Jewish Problem: The Positive Aspect
1. The Question of Security
2. The Right to Immigrate to the Muslim World
3. The Right to Peace
4. The Right of Self-Determination by the Torah
5. Defense of the Islamic State
H. The Islamic Solution and the Status Quo in the Arab World
X |