Chapter |
Section |
I. The Three-Cornered Nature of the Problem
A. Historical Preview |
B. Western Interest and the Near East |
C. Zionism and Western Goals |
II. Aperçu of Jewish History in the Christian West Prior to the Emancipation
III. The Emancipation and Its Aftermath
A. Revelation vs. Reason |
B. The Enlightenment |
C. Emancipation, at Last! |
D. Assimilation and Reform |
IV. The Romantic Relapse of Europe
A. Russian Pogroms |
B. European Persecution |
1. The Ideational Groundwork |
2. Socio-Political Repulsion |
V. Zionism: The European Jew’s Counsel of Despair
A. Between the Two Horns of a Terrible Dilemma |
B. Zionism: Attempted Escape from the Dilemma |
C. Europe’s Failure of Nerve |
VI. Zionism as Religion
A. The Romantic Base of All Zionists |
B. Secular Zionism |
C. Zionism: A Strictly European Experience |
VII. Zionism as Politics
A. Before World War I |
B. The Balfour Declaration |
C. The British Mandate on Palestine |
D. Zionist Acquisition of the Land |
E. Zionist Immigration to Palestine |
F. Civil Inabilities of the Palestinians |
G. The Palestinians’ Continuous Rebellion |
H. United Nations Partition of Palestine |
I. Emptying Palestine Through Terror |
J. Zionism and Colonialism |
VIII. Islam and Judaism
A. Three Levels of Parity and Communion |
B. One Mesopotamian Origin |
C. Islamic Critique of Judaism |
D. Islamic Critique of Jewish Practice |
1. The Covenant of Madinah or Constitution of the Islamic State |
2. Pax Islamica: The New World Order |
3. Political Treason by the Jews of Madinah |
E. The Golden Age of Judaism and the Jews |
IX. Islam and Zionism
A. The Injustice of Zionism Against Non-Jews |
B. Undoing the Injustice Against Non-Jews |
C. De-Zionization |
D. The Injustice of Zionism Against Judaism |
E. Undoing the Injustice Against Judaism |
F. Islam and the Jewish Problem: The Negative Aspect |
1. Failure of Zionism to Provide Security |
2. Failure of Zionism to Stop Assimilation |
3. Failure of Zionism to Enable Judaism to Blossom Forth |
G. Islam and the Jewish Problem: The Positive Aspect |
1. The Question of Security |
2. The Right to Immigrate to the Muslim World |
3. The Right to Peace |
4. The Right of Self-Determination by the Torah |
5. Defense of the Islamic State |
H. The Islamic Solution and the Status Quo in the Arab World |
X. Index